How to get motivated to wake up early

Amazing Benefits of Waking Up Early ;

"Wake Up early and tackle the day before it tackles you"

For most of the people waking up early is not easy, specially when it's dark. But there is something to do that "early Bridgets the worm" Theory! Waking up early doesn't mean just getting more out of your day , but can also have a positive effect on your health and overall performance. 

  10 Reasons to rise early; 

 1. Plan your day :-

Have you ever felt like you were constantly rushing to get things done all day long? Like you weren’t running your own life? It’s safe to say that we’ve all had those days.. In fact, most people are reactive when it comes to managing their day.
 Rather than plan ahead, they tackle things as they come. When you start waking up earlier, you’llfind that you don’t have to rush anywhere, and you’ll have time to plan your day. Having the time to plan how you’re going to navigate your day allows you to prioritize your tasks and complete them in the most logica land efficient way.

2. Improve Sleep Quality ;

Improve Sleep Quality Keeping your body on a sleep routine, will make it easier to go to sleep and wake up naturally at the same time every day. This is important for your body’s internal clock. When you go to bed late, and sleep in on the weekends, your body’s natural rhythm gets disrupted. If you wake up early, you are naturally sleepier in the evening. And being on a predictable routine, will helpyou sleep better each night and wake up feeling more rested.

3.Improve Timeliness ;

People who wake up early are more likely to be punctual. Rushing around every morning can be tiring,while waking up early gives you more time to prepare and be timely. Whether it is showing up for work, an appointment,or a class, rising early allows you to be on time, which, in itself, has tremendous advantages.

4. Better Concentration ;

Starting your day early improves your concentration. In addition to being able to focus on goals and tasks, getting up early means that by the time you get to work or school, you’ve had hours to properly acclimate yourself to the day. As a result, you’ll be more alert during peak hours. 

5. Enhance Productivity ;

When you wake up early and begin your day with focused, clear intentions, you are more likely to actually achieve those goals through out the day. Think about those days when you wake up late,with your mind in a fog, and all day you feel like you’re just trying to catch up. If you begin your day with a set, purposeful plan, chances are you’ll end it that way, too.

6. More Proactive ;

Early risers are more likely to plan long-termgoals for themselves, and actually make things happen. They are also better at self-starting ratherthan needing constant supervision. It's an asset, particularly at work, whereproactive employees are more likely to get positive performance reviews. Waking up early in the morning allows youto be proactive. This means, having a greater degree of willingnessand ability to take action to change a situation to your advantage.

7. Better Health ;

People who wake up early tend to eat breakfast,while later risers are often rushing out the door and have to grab something on the go,or they just skip the meal altogether. The problem with skipping breakfast is thatit leads to poor eating habits later in the day. Rising early isn’t just linked to your actualhealth, but to how you feel about yourself. It may actually make you feel that you are leading a healthier life!

8. More Energy ;

Managing your energy levels is very important,and if you exercise in the morning, you’ll have way more energy throughout the rest ofthe day. When you work out in the morning, you’realso more likely to stick to a routine. You get it out of the way early, and thenyou don’t have to worry about it. This makes complete sense, when you thinkabout how full your afternoons can get… Morning workouts are a great way to give yourbody an extra boost, but it’s not just about the boost, by working out each morning, you’llactually sleep better at night.

9. More Success ;

More Success Most entrepreneurs are early risers. It seems to be a common trend among most successful people. Mornings give you time to work on a side hustle,or focus your time on big goals. You’ll have more time to find success in  that things are important to you. If you want to achieve more, waking up early should be the first task on your list tomorrow morning!

10. Increase Happiness ;

Waking up earlier can affect your level of happiness. Perhaps because of all the advantages associated with rising early, you are more likely to be happy. The feeling of being in control, getting things done, being clear-minded and healthier leads to high levels of happiness. It just takes starting this one habit to havean effect in every area of your life! Some people aren’t made for waking up early,and that’s okay. It’s not a character flaw or a sign of laziness;your sleep cycles are just geared for staying up late and sleeping in. If staying up late and sleeping in works for you, great! Keep doing it. But, for most people who work a 9-5 schedule,sleeping in until 10AM just isn’t possible. If you want extra time to be productive, try making the switch to waking up a bit earlier. What do you think? Are you an early riser? If so, do you have any tips for becoming one?

How to get Motivated to get Wake Up Early ;

Waking up early liberates you from a huge amount of stress. Having an extra hour in the morning before your usual routine gives space for practical or relaxing activities that you wouldn't find the time to do otherwise. Many people use their morning routine to tackle a personal project; others focus on organising and preparing for the rest of the day and other just focus on exercising, meditating or doing other type of physical activity. Whatever you do in the morning is up to you but rule number 1 is Consistent

1. Be Consistent ;

 Personally, I like to wakeup at the same time every day, even during weekends. If I am extra tired on a Saturday, I give myself the pleasure of one more hour in bed, which means getting up at 7 am, max. The good thing about consistency is that it slowly builds up the habit, making your body and mind less and less prone to create resistance to your alarm clock. , Your brain forms connections based on what you do repeatedly in your life. Repeated mental states, behaviours and responses become neural traits, which eventually decreases the resistance you feel from your body and your mind when you are trying to incorporate a new habit - this is called neuroplasticity. As you strengthen your newly found habit of waking up at the same time, the behaviour will require less effort and it will be easier to do it on a regular basis. And speaking about alarm clocks, finding the perfect sound and distance .

2. Pick a good Alarm sound ;

pick a good alarm sound]** from your bed is key to wakingup energised every morning. I'm really not into classic alarm sounds and rather prefer soothing music that builds up as I ignore the alarm; I put my phone out of hands reach, on top of a dresser so I have to stand to turn it off. I'm no longer feeling like going back to bed by that time. Waking up early becomes more manageable as you enjoy your morning routine.

3. Create a enjoyable Morning routine ;

A well-balanced and relaxed morning routine will give you enough motivation to get up in the morning; a stressing and chaotic routine will create more resistance. Creating a morning routine that is both practical,efficient as well as relaxing can have a detrimental impact in your day. My rule of thumb is to spend half the time of my morning routine in practical morning tasks like having breakfast, showering or doing my hair, twenty five percent doing household chores like cleaning the dishes, watering the plants and making the bed; and the other twenty five perfect doing something entertaining,like reading or journaling. For me, in a two hour morning routine this wouldn look like one hour dedicated to practical morning tasks, half an hour for cleaning and organizing and a second half an hour of reading or watching Netflix. Another thing that will make waking up easier because it enhances your morning routine is preparing everything the night before.

4. Prepare everything the Night before ;

Picking an outfit, preparing the cutlery and to pack your lunch or setting the table for breakfast are all activities that create are solid transition between your night-time routine and your routine in the following morning. The more mechanical these activities and routines are,  the better; a steady work flow of minor tasks can lead up to to less resistance from your brain and strengthens your habit of waking up early. For a special boost of motivation, you can also challenge yourself.

5. Challenge yourself;

to complete a project or a deadline duringyour morning routine. If you ever wanted to start a blog, createa journal, knit a scarf featuring your Hogwarts' house colors or just become a runner, you can use your morning time to do it in incremental bursts of productivity that you can spread out over a longer period of time. Instead of feeling like you're waking up to go to school or go to work, you change your mindset by stating and acting upon the idea that you're now waking up to take care of your special new hobby. And something that is always part of my morning routine is sitting down with my planner and my laptop, opening Notion and seeing what's going on in my life.

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